What is the Estes Method and How to Do It

What is the Estes Method and How to Do It

Posted by GhostStop on Jan 24th 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to The Estes Method in Ghost Hunting

In the realm of paranormal investigations, one method has gained significant attention for its intriguing approach to communicating with spirits—the Estes Method. Developed and popularized in the field of ghost hunting, this technique has become a staple in paranormal investigations, captivating audiences worldwide through its appearances in various media, including television shows. In this article, we delve into the history, media prominence, tools used, and the purpose of The Estes Method, drawing comparisons to the historical Ganzfeld Experiment.

What is the Estes Method for Ghost Hunting?

The primary objective of The Estes Method is to establish two-way communication with spirits. Investigators believe that the white noise generated by the spirit box acts as a medium through which entities can convey messages. This method aims to capture real-time responses, providing a unique and immersive experience in paranormal investigations. Additionally, the single-blind methodology involved helps ensure communications are far less influenced by external surroundings - or other people in the room.

History of The Estes Method

The Estes Method traces its origins to Karl Pfeiffer and Connor J. Randall, who introduced this innovative approach to paranormal investigations. Named after Estes Park, Colorado, where it was first experimented with, the method involves the use of a spirit box—a device that rapidly scans radio frequencies, creating a white noise background believed to enhance communication with spirits.

Media Presence

The Estes Method has found its way into popular paranormal TV shows, contributing to its widespread recognition. Most notable appearances include paranormal investigation series "Kindred Spirits," where investigators Amy Bruni and Adam Berry employ this method to establish communication with entities from the other side. The results of these cases and TV portrayals has further fueled public interest in the Estes Method.

Tools and Devices Used

Key to The Estes Method is the  spirit box, a device designed to scan through radio frequencies at a rapid pace. This generates a continuous stream of white noise, creating an auditory environment conducive to spirit communication. Additionally, investigators often use noise-canceling headphones to eliminate external sounds and blindfold, enhancing their focus on potential spirit responses.

For ease, we have also created an Estes Method kit that includes the necessary products all in one package.

Comparing The Estes Method to the Ganzfeld Experiment

The  Ganzfeld Experiment, rooted in parapsychology, involves inducing a state of mild sensory deprivation to enhance extrasensory perception. While both methods share the goal of facilitating communication with the paranormal, they differ significantly in approach. The Ganzfeld Experiment focuses on full sensory deprivation, whereas The Estes Method introduces and relies on external stimuli, particularly the white noise from the spirit box.

The Estes Method stands as a captivating and widely recognized technique in the field of paranormal investigations. Its history, media prominence, and unique approach using the spirit box contribute to its mystique. As we explore the depths of the unknown, The Estes Method remains a valuable tool, inviting both skeptics and enthusiasts to unravel the secrets that lie beyond the veil.

How To Do the Estes Method?

Using a spirit box, blind fold and headphones, choose a location with paranormal activity and ask a friend to help by asking questions then document contextual responses.

The objective of the Estes Method is to promote spirit communication through a spirit box. We do this by using two people: one person who is acts as a receiver by isolating them from other people in the room relying only on output from the spirit box. A second person asks questions or promotes conversation with the receiver. The receiver should be isolated from hearing or seeing the questions being asked while listening to a spirit box through headphones and saying aloud anything they hear. With the receiver being unable to hear the questions being asked, anything the receiver says should be uninfluenced.

What you are looking for is the receiver saying anything in context to the questions being asked. One must have the spirit box plugged into soundproof headphones (so they cannot hear the questions being asked) and be blindfolded (so they cannot guess/read lips at what is being asked). Once this has been established, the other investigators in the room (not the person listening) ask questions and see if the radio snippet of the human receiver match. The human receiver says out loud any words or phrases they can make out.

If you're intrigued by the Estes Method and eager to embark on your own paranormal investigation, here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct the Estes Method:

Equipment Used for the Estes Method

Before diving into the Estes Method, ensure you have the essential equipment. You'll need a spirit box, noise-canceling headphones, and a location with reported paranormal activity. Familiarize yourself with the spirit box's functions to operate it effectively. The ghost box must have an audio output for headphones.

Here are a few top spirit boxes perfect for the Estes Method

  1. SBox Spirit Box with Recorder
  2. SB7 Spirit Box
  3. SB7 Pro
  4. SB11

Or get everything you need in one kit:

Estes Method kit

Choose an Appropriate Location

Select a location known for paranormal activity or one where individuals have reported ghostly encounters. Historic sites, abandoned buildings, or places with a rich history often yield better results.

Set Up the Equipment

Position the spirit box in the chosen location, ensuring it's secure and won't be disturbed during the session. Connect the noise-canceling headphones to the spirit box, and put them on to eliminate external auditory distractions.

Tune the Spirit Box

Turn on the spirit box and set it to scan through radio frequencies rapidly. The white noise generated is believed to create an ideal environment for spirit communication. Familiarize yourself with the controls to adjust volume and frequency scanning speed so you can adjust as needed while blindfolded.

Establish a Baseline

Before attempting communication, take a few moments to establish a baseline. This involves noting the typical sounds and responses generated by the spirit box in the absence of intentional communication.

Begin Communication

With the spirit box activated, initiate communication by asking open-ended questions. Remain patient and attentive to any responses that may come through the white noise. It's crucial to give spirits time to convey messages.

Document Responses

Keep a log or recording device to document any potential responses or anomalies detected during the session. This documentation serves as valuable evidence and aids in analysis after the investigation.

Additionally, it is helpful to record the session with an audio recorder or video camera. This way you can analyze any occurrences later or share your findings with the receiver and the paranormal community.

Analyze Findings

After the Estes Method session, carefully review your documentation and any recordings. Look for patterns, meaningful responses, or any information that may provide insight into the paranormal activity in the chosen location.

Most importantly, compare these findings to historical records, case logs or claims from the location. You never know what might match. And if it does, you have something quite notable, indeed!

Respectful Closure

Conclude the session respectfully by expressing gratitude for any potential communication. If there were notable responses, consider further research or follow-up investigations. If the session yielded minimal results, be open to trying the Estes Method in different locations.

Reflect and Learn

Reflect on your experience and findings. Paranormal investigations often require multiple sessions for conclusive results. Learn from each session and refine your approach based on the unique characteristics of the location and the responses received. Remember, the Estes Method requires patience, an open mind, and a respectful attitude toward the potential entities you may encounter. Don't expect to strike gold on your first session. It takes time.