
BooBuddy Interactive Bear

Was: $359.95
Sale: $299.95
36 reviews Write a Review
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BooBuddy Ghost Hunting Bear Logo

BooBuddy, the Interactive Ghost Hunting Bear

The talking bear every investigator wants on their team.

It may steal your heart like the others do, but BooBuddy is not your average teddy bear! In fact, that adorable face is only half as endearing as the collaborative spirit that BooBuddy boasts.


Referred to by some as Boo Bear, this sophisticated device is more than just a stuffed animal with a cute name and an EMF meter inside. This talking interactive bear can ask questions and reacts to the changing environment. Soon, you’ll be deputizing the cutie as an official investigator bear on your ghost hunting team.

BooBuddy Ghost Hunting Bear Feature Icon Illustration

BooBuddy: Stuffed Animal or Paranormal Investigator?

What does this ghost bear bring to the team?

  • BooBuddy Talks!
  • Asks Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) Questions
  • Uses Many Sensors to Detect Environmental Changes
  • Interacts to Responses
  • Speaks to Indicate Changes
  • Sensors Detect Spikes in:
    • Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF)
    • Its Position
    • Temperature
    • Vibration
  • All with the Cutest Voice this side of the Supernatural!

BooBuddy is not a toy. BooBuddy is a Ghost Hunter!

Children may love it, but this is definitely not a toy. This boo bear’s mission is to investigate the paranormal with us, by promoting positive responses and informing us when the environment changes.

BooBuddy asks EVP questions in order to trigger a response. If there’s an effect (EMF, motion, temperature) BooBuddy will respond appropriately — with flashing lights or an adorable voice — indicating that we may not be alone.

Just set BooBuddy down and turn it on to detect environmental changes and start the interview process. Make sure to set a voice recorder or camcorder near the doll to document any potential responses.

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  • BooBuddy is a cute, interactive ghost hunting bear
  • Detects EMF and responds with lights in the arms when spikes arise
  • Detects movement, vibration and temperature and responds with voice
  • Conducts baseline readings in the room when you turn the unit on (first 30 seconds)
  • Asks a series of EVP questions so you can watch for potential responses or leave it in a room on its own
  • All electronics are completely hidden from view within the bear

A Bear with Real Tools for the Job.

There are some ‘toys’ out on the market that are not much more than a K2 meter or REM Pod sewn inside. They’ll sometimes be referred to as a Rem bear or EMF bear.

BooBuddy Junior, the first version of our bear, built for this purpose but far less influenced by outside interference than those bears with a K2 or Rem shoved inside. However, BooBuddy has grown up now into BooBuddy Interactive – the evolution that adds SO MUCH MORE to love.

Benefits of Recruiting BooBuddy to Your Team

When it comes to ghost hunting and paranormal investigations, some theories suggest that using an object that’s familiar and attractive to an entity may entice them to interact. Teddy bears have been a popular toy for over a century, they’re disarming and inviting, and the BooBuddy interactive bear is packed with features that are vital for any investigation.

Whether you choose ghost hunting bear or opt to recruit another human ghost hunter, you’ll need someone on your team that tracks data and completes critical tasks like:

  • Baseline Readings before Investigation is Fully Underway
  • Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF)
  • Movement (Particularly in Response to Investigators’ Actions)
  • Vibration (Particularly in Response to Investigators’ Actions)
  • Conducting an Interview to Trigger Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

It’s BooBuddy, not Boo Bear.

While some people call this ‘boo bear’, most give it their own name. Give the bear a name and make it part of your team. We’ve heard some clever names like Beary Potter and Bubba Bear to Gangster Boo, coined by the boys on Discovery+ Ghost Brothers TV show.

BooBuddy Recently Received Some Upgrades

Eventually, everybody has to grow up. From our older model, BooBuddy Junior, to the grown-up version you know and love today, we never stop improving the designs of our ghost hunting equipment.

To that end, these are the newest feature updates for BooBuddy:

Volume Control for when BooBuddy gets Too Excited

We’ve added an optional volume control. With one knob, you can click on BooBuddy and turn to adjust the volume as you wish.

Turning it all the way down will mute all speech.

Extended Battery Life of Over 35 Hours & USB Rechargeable Battery

In order to save batteries, we’ve made our boo bear rechargeable via USB. With a battery life of over 35 hours, you can go mobile, plug it into a wall outlet, or connect it to a USB battery pack for continuous use — even while charging!

When the battery is drained, just plug it into any USB outlet for a fresh start.

Louder Voice & Quicker Response Time for when BooBuddy gets Too Timid

We’ve also made the speaker louder and increased the response time with touch/motion and temperature changes. Now, you’ll hear these verbal responses almost immediately.

The previous model would wait 40 seconds before providing any response, then it would make a determination about what phrase was appropriate. Now, that window is interrupted to provide an immediate response, but with a period afterwards to allow for potential EVP responses in a more timely manner.

If nothing happens, BooBuddy will revert back to a 30-second window before asking a new trigger question.

Example Phrases

All new and built for ghost hunting, this ghost teddy bear can provide almost 40 questions and voice responses, such as:

  • EVP Questions, like “Do you want to be my friend?”
  • When the Bear is Moved: “Hehehe. That Tickles.”
  • Temperature Decreases: “Brrrrr. It’s cold in here.”

Recruit BooBuddy, the Interactive Boo Bear from GhostStop

This is the newest model of BooBuddy, which has been custom built here at GhostStop just for paranormal investigations. This is not your typical EMF meter or thermometer installed into a bear; it’s a custom-designed tool for investigators that’s borne from years of development and investigative experience.

With this, BooBuddy came to life as a mature investigator. To recruit Boo Bear onto your paranormal investigation team for the next ghost hunt, reach out to our team today.


made by ghoststopMADE IN THE USA from domestic and imported material.
This product is made right here at GhostStop. ovilus

Patent pending.

  • Size: ~10" tall (when sitting)
  • Battery: Rechargeable USB battery pack (older model uses 3 AA batteries)
  • Battery Life: Runs for just over 35 hours on one charge. Charging takes about 2 hours. Life may depend on how many times it has been triggered.
  • EMF meter within the bear lights up the arms when spikes arise. Lights are in both arms. One arm lit signifies low/medium frequencies while two arms indicates a higher strength.
  • Light in the belly indicates BooBuddy is ON
  • BooBuddy wears a backpack that holds the battery pack with on/off switch
  • BooBuddy holds a series of EVP questions it will say in sequence with a pause in between to allow for potential EVP responses. In times where no environmental changes have been detected, BooBuddy will ask one of the 'Random' questions to promote response
  • BooBuddy holds a series of Voice Responses to Motion and Temperature changes to indicate such
  • BooBuddy does a baseline reading as soon as you turn it on. Set BooBuddy down in a room and let it sit for 30 seconds. This initial 30 second period is when BooBuddy is detecting the baseline readings in the room so that is has something to compare to later on. PLEASE do not touch BooBuddy until the introduction, "Hi. I'm BooBuddy. What's your name?" From there, BooBuddy will be begin detecting changes.
  • Generally, BooBuddy is not meant as a measurement tool but rather an usher for potential interaction.
Quick Start
  • Find a stable place to sit BooBuddy down
  • Turn BooBuddy on using the switch located on the battery pack in the backpack. BE CAREFUL! See directions below.
  • Set BooBuddy down. BooBuddy will begin baseline readings for 30 seconds. Paws will blink during baseline process.
  • BooBuddy will ask questions and respond to environmental changes.

  • To turn ON/OFF open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. You will see a small on/off switch. Slide that switch to the desired position. A light in the belly will illuminate GREEN and you will hear a BEEP to indicate BooBuddy is ON.
  • To charge the battery open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. Using a Micro USB cable (one is provided) plug the battery pack into a USB outlet. The charging LED on the top will turn red to indicate charging. When it turns green, the battery is charged. It takes just over 2 hours for a full charge from empty. For continuous use, you can keep the batter pack plugged into an outlet or mobile USB battery pack for extended with no battery drain. For plugging into a standard wall AC outlet you will need a common AC/USB adapter (not included).
  • The first 30 seconds BooBuddy will conduct baseline environmental readings for electromagnetic energy (EMF), temperature, vibration and its own physical orientation. The paws will blink during this baseline process. For best results, find a suitable, stable location to set the bear down on in order to maintain a stable base throughout the session.
  • The paws will light up when EMF changes are detected. One paw lit indicates a lower spike while both paws lit indicates a stronger spike in energy.
  • BooBuddy will respond verbally to changes in motion, temp and physical orientation. Listen for related responses. The responses are relatively suggestive of the change that happened.
  • After each time BooBuddy speaks it will ALWAYS wait at least 10 seconds to allow for potential EVPs to be recorded and allow for proper time to do so. (older model window waited 40 seconds)
  • If no environmental changes are encountered after 30 seconds, BooBuddy will ask a question or say something to promote a positive response.

NEW - Volume Control Knob

If you have the new BooBuddy with the red volume control knob the direction will be slightly different from the above. To turn BooBuddy on, turn the knob clockwise. It will click when turned on. Then continue to turn the knob to adjust the volume from minimum (far left) to maximum volume (far right). To turn BooBuddy off, turn the knob counter-clockwise until it clicks off.
BooBuddy Ghost Hunting Bear Direction Illustration
  • BooBuddy is not a toy. It is a sophisticated tool with sensitive electronics.
  • For proper care, treat BooBuddy as you would any electronic instrument.
  • Do not machine wash or expose to harsh environments.

List of Responses
Below is a list of the responses programmed into BooBuddy.

When temperature gets WARMER:
  • Whew... it just got warm in here.
  • Did you make it warmer in here?
  • Perfect. Thanks for making it warmer!
  • Did it get warmer in here?

When temperature gets COLDER:
  • Brrrrr... it just got cold in here.
  • Did you make it cold in here?
  • Perfect. Thanks for making it cooler!
  • Did it get colder in here?

When motion / vibration is detected:
  • What was that? Could you please say it again?
  • Hehe... that tickles.
  • Aww. Thanks! I like holding hands with you.
  • I like hugs.
  • Hehe... BooBuddy is ticklish.

When no change in environment, these are the EVP questions:
  • Hi, I'm BooBuddy. Whats your name?
  • Do you want to play a game?
  • Do you want to be my friend?
  • How old are you?
  • Can you make a noise for me?
  • Can you touch my tummy?
  • Do you know what time it is?
  • Would you like to sing with me? Twinkle, Twinkle little star....
  • Whats your favorite story?
  • Do you have a favorite song?
  • I like music. What music do you like?
  • Count with me, 1... 2... 3... 4...
  • Is this your house?
  • Do you know your alphabet? A... B... C... D...
  • I like good stories. Please tell me one.
  • Do you want to hold my hand?
  • What's your favorite toy?
  • Whats your favorite color?
  • I like cuddles. can you give me a hug?
  • Can you make it warmer for me?
  • Can you make it colder for me?
  • Can you tell me a secret?
  • Can you tell me what 2 plus 2 is?
  • What color is the light in my tummy?
  • What? Did you just say something? Say it again.
  • Do you like to play pretend?
  • Can you finish this? (Knocking: 'Shave and a Hair Cut'...)
  • I like cookies. What's your favorite food?
  • Do you have more friends we can play with?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Do you know any jokes? I love jokes.

36 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Meggan Sommerville on Oct 15th 2024

    I love this little guy. He came in very handy when investigating a museum with a couple little girl spirits (we believe are from the Late Victorian or Early Edwardian era). They loved him too. touching him, manipulating the phrases he speaks. In all my time using him, never have I had the same phrase used more than once in the cycle of phrases he uses. This night, he said the phrase "do you want to read a story?" (not sure on the actual phrase loaded into his memory) 3 times in a row. So naturally we read a story for the girls and was able to capture two cold spots on thermal right next to me. I will also add that myself and other investigators felt a happiness in the room that was not there prior to reading the story. Since that encounter, the girls are much more playful with me and others, even venturing out of the room that they tend to stay in.

  • 5
    Boo bear

    Posted by Jessica on Sep 17th 2024

    Excellent item, great quality

  • 5

    Posted by Timothy Belfry on Mar 7th 2024

    The kids love the bear. Great friend to play with, and great on battery! So they can play, and flash card answers with Boobuddy on a spirit Box! Great combination! The bear good with Adults as well. Just to see if communicating with someone on the other side!

  • 5
    Bet on the Boo Buddy

    Posted by Spooky Ventures INC on Dec 15th 2023

    WOW! What a great tool for your arsenal, an amazing interactive trigger object, this device provides results! I absolutely encourage you to purchase this! I am so happy with this purchase and use this whenever its applicable! a definite buy for certain!

  • 5
    EVP sound sensor

    Posted by jesse wolfe on Dec 15th 2023

    so far so good i have had it touch an change of temp. up and down not a bad buddy to have.

  • 5
    Polar Boo Buddy

    Posted by Doc on Dec 10th 2023

    I love the white bear. I have used the brown bear very successfully in the past and left a review about it. I look forward to using its brother in the future.

  • 5

    Posted by Toni on Apr 20th 2023

    Love this bear...he does exactly what he is supposed to do!!!!! Like having a real roommate.

  • 5

    Posted by Garyth Peck on Jan 30th 2023

    It's a fantastic piece of ghost hunting equipment, a necessity for those looking for a high-tech, reliable tool.

  • 5

    Posted by Rich Finnell on Aug 27th 2022

    I have been using this product for over a year now. I am amazed how many responses this product has triggered. It has even triggered responses from adult spirits! If you don't have it, you're missing out!!

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 11th 2022

    Excited about this for my investigations!! Very cool when it reacts

  • 5
    Was excited to hear all the questions the bear asked

    Posted by Alexander reyes on Dec 12th 2021

    The Bear was really cool to use! it asks a bunch of questions, and let’s you know when it gets cooler or warmer

  • 5

    Posted by Paranormalskepticsteam on Nov 22nd 2021

    We were at the Yorktown memorial hospital in Texas and this little boobuddy help our alot. We got some extraordinary evps and movement loud noises and THIS BOOBUDDY HELPED WITH 75% OF INVESTIGATION

  • 5
    BooBuddy Bear Investigator is amazing!

    Posted by Bob Tea on Jan 29th 2021

    I’ve used this amazing piece of tech for years and have had spirits of children interact many times. Recently had an interesting anomaly where an unknown phrase came thru it. When I reached out to Ghoststop they quickly confirmed. Kudos to the Ghoststop Team! Terrific device and even better after sales customer service!

  • 5
    Happy with my purchase

    Posted by Crash517 on Mar 2nd 2020

    BooBuddy Interactive Bear works great. Can't wait to use it at the old tuberculosis hospital in Gooding Idaho.

  • 5
    Interactive boo buddy

    Posted by Rachel hughes on Jan 13th 2020

    I received him today and i love him. It has responded to my own touches so it shows how sensitive he is. Says he likes being tickled and holding hands. He has also lit up red now and again, i think its a reaction to energy outburst, my phone didn't effect it. Testing this bear shows it does do its job. Very sensitive with my voice also. It replies to me when i talk, so another test to show that it's very sensitive so if spirit talks im sure he will pick it up easily. He is also reunited with his boo buddy junior so can't wait for them to work together.

  • 5
    Great device

    Posted by John Karle on Jun 26th 2018

    Love the upgraded features of this trigger object

  • 5
    Good equipment

    Posted by Mirjana Medak on Jun 26th 2018

    Love the boobuddy!

  • 5
    Great trigger object!

    Posted by Trevor Smith on Jun 26th 2018

    I used this in several cases including child spirits, and have yet to be let down!

  • 5
    BooBuddy is great!

    Posted by Shane on Jun 26th 2018

    BooBuddy has been with our group for a short while. We love the bear, as we can leave it in a room by itself and it will ask questions, tells the temp, and notice if something touches it. This is perfect, as our group is small and allows us to cover more ground. It is the perfect tool it there are spirits of child present.

  • 5
    BooBuddy goes Hunting

    Posted by Anne Svensson on Jun 26th 2018

    This investigator is a new addition to our team. He is pale, tough and fearless...! And I love him! Let's go Ghost Hunting!

  • 5
    Boo Boo Buddy is fantastic

    Posted by Julie Endean on Jun 26th 2018

    I can't say enough about the Boo Boo Buddy. My little furry friend was enormous help at a recent ghost investigation of a house haunted by a little boy. Boo Boo and he got along famously!! he really helped to bring our little boy in spirit out and about!

  • 5
    Love this bear!!!

    Posted by Kasey Bartholomew on Jun 26th 2018

    I’m so glad I ordered this bear. I’ve used him a couple of times and have been pleased with the results. His interactive tools are very sensitive. He is definitely not a toy. I have already recommended this bear to others on FB.

  • 5

    Posted by Tonje on Jun 26th 2018

    This bear is just too cute! I haven't been able to use him for that many investigations yet, but I'm sure he will be a great company to bring along in the future!

  • 5
    5 Stars for BooBuddy

    Posted by Dana on Jun 26th 2018

    Great responses. Was talking about music during an investigation and BooBuddy replied with the statement of : I Like Music. Mel-Meter temperature was increasing when BooBuddy said it was getting warm in here. Great investigating tool.

  • 5
    Great Bears

    Posted by Vic Linsten on May 9th 2018

    We have two different bears and they are awesome. We have had first time hunter carry them and they get scared when the bears talk. Love these

  • 5

    Posted by Kimberly M,Dominique on Apr 25th 2018

    BooBuddy is amazing!!! I got evps right off the bat!!! I noticed both young and older evps. I will take him on future investigations. Thankful I got one and if you want to gift your ghost hunting friends get this little paranormal investigator for them. They will love you for it!!!!!!!

  • 5
    BooBuddy is great!

    Posted by L&D Paranormal Seekers on Aug 17th 2017

    I've taken BooBuddy with me to several different haunted locations and every time it does get responses. The most recent place, Eureka, NV it asked what was your favorite food and a child spirit is recorded answering it. Just wow! Oh...and I've named him "Otto".

  • 5
    Great Addition to any team!

    Posted by Paranormal Travelers on Jul 5th 2017

    We've been contemplating purchasing BooBuddy but when we finally did we have NO regrets. He is a great asset to any team. We've used in twice in the 2 weeks since purchasing and the evidence he has gotten... let me just say he is braver then me! Totally recommend!

  • 5
    amazing interactive bear

    Posted by stephen kurtzke on Apr 4th 2016

    After purchasing boo buddy interactive bear, used it on an investigation where I placed it on a small chair while using one of my ghost stop full spectrum camcorders with the creepy hollow ir lights, it's so cool how many questions the bear asks, I placed the rt evp recorder right in front of the bear, overall build quality is exelent and battery life lasts a long time,

  • 5
    Fantastic investigating tool!

    Posted by Scott Johnston of CR Paranormal Investigations on Oct 16th 2015

    We've used the Boo Buddy on two investigations now. First investigation we had an arm light up red (EMF hit) during a communication session. The best though was from our residential investigation on 9/26/15. Our recorder captured the voice of a child saying, "Five", immediately after Boo Buddy said, "Count with me - one, two, three, four..." Knew it could happen, but to actually hear it happen in review is something I'll never forget! Boo Buddy is so easy to use. Worth every penny of the price!

  • 5
    Very intuitive

    Posted by Martin Ackerman on Jun 2nd 2015

    This bear is a must in any investigators tool box. Very effective style of communication when it comes to evp sessions.. Ideal for rooms with apparent children activity. Its multi sensors are ideal in gathering evidence on any level..

  • 5
    Great Ghost Investigating Tool

    Posted by Tracy Weyandt on Mar 18th 2015

    This one is special because our use of the Boo Buddy was with none other than Paul Bradford at Bonnie Springs Ranch, Nevada outside of Las Vegas. During a ghost hunt just before Halloween week, we used the Boo Buddy for an EVP session. Paul demonstrated it and wow, did it deliver. The Boo Buddy went through it's routine of asking questions. We got responses to the built in EMF device, but even more when it began to ask to sing the ABC's it started, A,B,C,D…..pausing for a response and we heard to our astonishment a disembodied little girl voice finish..E,F,G. We all heard this with our own ears and played back the recording on the EVP recorder to hear the same. Amazing! Yeah it works!!!

  • 5
    Awesome Interactions

    Posted by Jason Higgs of Supernatural Investigations (UK) on Mar 17th 2015

    Having just finished a 48 Lockdown at Davidstow Airfield we had the pleasure of being accompanied by Boo Buddy on the investigation. We locked him down in a room with a locked off camera and voice recorder for company, for 2 hours. Surprisingly we seemed to capture what looks like a small child interacting with the bear during this period although haven't fully reviewed all the footage as yet. We left him running most of the weekend and was amazed to see the same 3 standard AA batteries managed to last almost 2 days non-stop. Excellent device, highly recommended!

  • 5
    Awesome Interactive Piece of Equipment!

    Posted by Julie Garringer on Mar 17th 2015

    I received one of the first batches of Boo Buddy and I absolute love him! I think he's a great tool to use on investigations! He's cute and looks friendly. I like all the different questions that he asks. I have even had balls of light shoot into him. You can check out some of the videos I've posted on our facebook page (Parker City Paranormal Society). If you haven't got one for your group I highly suggest that you get one. They are a must have!! GhostStop knocked it out of the park with this bear :)

  • 5

    Posted by Marie Tufts/ ESP El Con Society of the Paranormal on Mar 11th 2015

    I have bought most of our equipment from GhostStop, Shawn, Paul and there group are Amazing ! My most recent purchase was BooBuddy.. Well he has to be one of the Most Spectacular pieces yet !! I got BooBuddy for a specific investigation that has a known 3 year old Girl Spirit, Well the second I put Boo on her bed, all Boo would do was spit out all the questions relating to tempature change, touch, ect... I moved Boo to other parts of the home, only for Boo to only repeate the normal EVP questions.. Returned to the Childs bed... again it started all over again !! We have been investigating for years, and never had such Direct communication as with BooBudy for the specific need !! OH and a Big Shout out to Paul Bradford, he was there for me immediately through Twitter to answer all my questions about Boo on our way to the investigation !!! What a Great Night.. Hats off to our New Crew member "Mr BooBuddy"

  • 5
    If you don't have one get one

    Posted by Daniel Greer on Mar 10th 2015

    I used the Boo Buddy on an Home Session and It is Awesome the Boo Buddy Does its Job Its well worth the Buy that's for Sure I will be doing more Investigations with the Bear Soon I have a local Cemetery that is Just perfect for the Boo Buddy and I'll Also use it on Calls to Investigate a home too