
Gift Ideas and Stocking Stuffers for Ghost Hunters

Looking for that perfect gift for the ghost hunter and paranormal enthusiast in your life? Just want to say thank you to someone? See below for a list of popular gear they will be sure to love! Need a LAST MINUTE gift? A GhostStop gift certificate is a quick and easy win.

What are some good gifts for ghost hunters?

Are you looking for that perfect gift for the ghost hunter in your life? Perhaps you want a unique way to say “thank you” to a paranormal investigator who has helped you.

Either way, ghost hunting equipment is the most direct route to their hearts. First, these gifts are practical, ensuring that your loved one is reminded of you for many years.

Second, there’s an expansive selection of diverse gear available from trusted manufacturers and suppliers, like GhostStop. Below, you’ll find the best gift ideas for anyone who’s curious about the supernatural — and if it’s too hard to choose, then opt for a kit or gift certificate and let them decide!

Ghost-Themed Gifts for Paranormal Investigators

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what is the best gift for a ghost hunter or paranormal investigator. Just as with any other calling, each individual has their own interests and needs.

Fortunately, with such a wide catalog to choose from, you’re certain to find what your favorite ghost hunter requires. All you must do is take an interest in their investigations in order to determine what might benefit them the most.

For example, do they make frequent mention of audio recordings, but few or none about video recording? If they work with a ghost hunting team, this information may be even easier to determine without alerting your loved one.

Ghost Gift #1: A Full-Spectrum Video Camera

The best full-spectrum video cameras are designed to capture visual evidence, even in the dark. This ensures that your paranormal investigator can operate in a variety of lighting conditions.

Ghost Present #2: An EVP Recorder

EVP, or Electromagnetic Voice Phenomena, occurs when audio disturbances are detected that weren’t present during original recording. These ghost recording devices enable you to capture audio evidence of potential supernatural activity.

Ghost Gift #3: An EMF Meter

EMF Meters are some of the coolest ghost hunting equipment in the industry. These special meters measure electromagnetic fields (EMF) which may be associated with paranormal activity.

Gifts for Ghost Lovers: Ghost Hunting Accessories

Here, you can find several types of paranormal investigation accessories, from the cute to the functional. This Ghost Emoji Stress Reliever, for example, is perfect for the jumpiest members of your ghost hunting team.

Young ghost hunters love these mischievous Orby Plushes. Meanwhile, paranormal investigators of all ages can appreciate this Ghost Hunter T-Shirt — it’s the perfect uniform for any adventure into the supernatural!

This Orb-in-a-Bottle Charm Necklace is a playful way to express your appreciation for the paranormal. Our favorite? These GhostStop Hats, of course, because they identify you as a ghost hunter and supporter of the coolest brand in the field. Plus, provide you with ample shade for daylight excursions.

Capture the Best Gifts for Ghost Hunters at GhostStop

If you only want the best gift for your ghost hunter, then you’re already doing the right thing! Research enables you to narrow down your options to ensure that your paranormal investigator is surprised and delighted.

But you don’t have to do it alone. For expert help in finding the perfect ghost gifts for your friends, family, and teammates, reach out to our team today.

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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
  • Ghost Hunter T-Shirt Ghost Hunter T-Shirt Ghost Hunter T-Shirt

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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
  • Sale
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
  • Sale
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    Paranormal Things T-Shirt

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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
  • Sale
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    Was: AUD $31.41
    Sale: AUD $20.39
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    AUD $39.29 - AUD $47.16
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    AUD $6.28
  • Gus 'The Ghost' Figure Gus 'The Ghost' Figure Gus 'The Ghost' Figure

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    AUD $20.39
  • Orb In A Bottle Orb In A Bottle

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    Orb In A Bottle Caught fresh daily. Whether for yourself or the ghost hunter in your life, this fun gift is sure to please. We have gone through the meticulous process of selecting only the finest and most loveable orbs we could find. Make sure you give...

    AUD $12.52